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Is the Process the Point?

Is the Process the Point?

I read both the following quotes on the same day and was struck by them. Is God trying to get through? I am a task completer, want closure, need to have attained the goal. But as life goes on, I learn how impossible that is in the total picture – the ebb and flow...
Fear or Faith OR Fear and Faith

Fear or Faith OR Fear and Faith

I heard from a friend that in their small group study they were discussing fear. Some strong discussion was had and some opinions were expressed that if you have any fear, you are not having faith. Fear is the opposite of faith, any fear is selfishness. Now that is...
Break or Make a Relationship

Break or Make a Relationship

I sat over coffee with a friend from church yesterday and he confronted me about some things that had been said that were hurtful. The situation is a bit complex to explain here, but I sure saw his point. Things might have been done better, and words were expressed...
Singing in Hard Times

Singing in Hard Times

In Acts 16 we read, ” Along about midnight, Paul and Silas were at prayer and singing a robust hymn to God. The other prisoners couldn’t believe their ears. Then, without warning, a huge earthquake! The jailhouse tottered, every door flew open, all the prisoners...