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We are watching with very heavy hearts the religious violence in Jos, Nigeria. The latest genocide took place just four miles from Oasis’ Africa Headquarters.

I was humbled and encouraged to receive this prayer, prayed at staff meeting the day after the killing. Please pray this with me today for Jos, Nigeria where so many are suffering

Lord, where are you?
If you do not protect us, who can we turn to?
Our thoughts are unworthy of you. Your ways are not our ways.
But we do not understand why you have allowed this.

Ultimately, we know the source. It is the Prince of Darkness.
He desires death, destruction, despair, deception and bondage.
Fear is a potent weapon in his arsenal.
As we read, when he lies—and those abound—he is speaking his native language.
It matters not if you are a child of the light or of the darkness.
He will destroy both without regard to his victim’s loyalty.

We appeal to the creator of all, Lord of life, love, liberty and truth.
Perfect love overcomes fear.
Light overcomes the darkness. Truth overpowers lies.
Come and protect us.
Who do we have besides you in heaven and on earth?
Where else can we go to find life and strength?
By your power, honor and glorify your name in Jos and in our lives.